Many years ago, I saw the movie Sound of Music and loved the numbers. Today, I stumbled upon a 50th year anniversary special:
The movie is still magical, a story of hope and delight and romance with a (spoiler) happy ending. One thing the special told was how Julie Andrews sang songs from the not-yet-released Mary Poppins to the children. They thought she was a genius who could make up songs on the spur of the moment.
How magical could we make children’s lives if we spent some time singing, telling stories, doing sleight of hand or creating a sense of wonder? For me, that wonder came through reading. So many magical worlds with special horses, dogs, and magical worlds – whether magical through science fiction or fantasy.
Are there children in your life you could amaze? After all, this is your chance to be a genius!
Books and stories open those gateways for people of all ages. You can fight battles, take risks, fall in love, and never lose, if you pick the right stories with the right endings. You have a chance to become someone you’re not, and maybe never could be. The true magic of stories is sweeping me away from my world to be someone braver, more heroic, more fully alive in the world. I hope some of the daring stays with me.